The insurance product is a financial product that is useful to protect you from the risk of financial loss that occurs in life. Related to the proficiency level, the protection provided insurance will certainly make you think more calm and able to work optimally. Who could have thought that one day suddenly our house fire, or you are certain diseases that require treatment at a cost that is not cheap. Can not be right? All these risks should we manage to avoid in financial losses. So buying an insurance policy is the most appropriate choice. Well here are five types of insurance products that are important to have. 1. Health Insurance Health insurance is an insurance product that provides protection against health risks with various schemes and selection of insurance benefits. Currently, the government has had a health insurance program for all people of Indonesia through the National Health Insurance program administered by the Social Security Agency of Health (Health BPJS). Y...
As an employee, you should prepare yourself with health insurance. Why? First, the cost of treatment is constantly increasing and the disease can be approached at any time. Second, health insurance will provide financial security when you get sick or have an accident. Thus, the cost of treatment in hospital will be borne by the insurance company under the terms of the agreements in the policy. Well, from the number of health insurance products in circulation today, which one should you choose? If you are still confused, here are 10 tips that will help you choose a good health insurance. 1. Understand The Type of Health Insurance Products Broadly speaking there are two types of products offered by health insurance companies, the hospital and hospital cash plan benefits. Types of insurance products benefit provides reimbursement of hospital costs in detail on a wide range of costs that we spend in the hospital during treatment. The system used is a cashless claims or non-reimbursemen; us...