The insurance product is a financial product that is useful to protect you from the risk of financial loss that occurs in life. Related to the proficiency level, the protection provided insurance will certainly make you think more calm and able to work optimally. Who could have thought that one day suddenly our house fire, or you are certain diseases that require treatment at a cost that is not cheap. Can not be right? All these risks should we manage to avoid in financial losses. So buying an insurance policy is the most appropriate choice. Well here are five types of insurance products that are important to have.
1. Health Insurance
Health insurance is an insurance product that provides protection against health risks with various schemes and selection of insurance benefits. Currently, the government has had a health insurance program for all people of Indonesia through the National Health Insurance program administered by the Social Security Agency of Health (Health BPJS). You can register your self in person or through the workplace to become participants BPJS and can be treated for free with certain treatment classes.
However, If you want to get better health insurance benefits, you must be able to buy health insurance products that are managed by private insurance companies. Variations benefits of its products attractive and many, ranging from inpatient care, childbirth, dental, replace glasses and so on. Choose a health insurance product that fits your needs at a price premium that you can reach your income.
Currently, some companies also offer insurance called unit-linked insurance. This means you pay the premium each month to benefit as health protection and investment shares. Interesting right? Buying health insurance is a very important investment for the protection of health financing and of course help you avoid financial dangers when experiencing pain costly.
2. Life Insurance
Life insurance is an insurance product that provides protection if there is a risk of death to the policyholder. This insurance would provide long-term protection of the heirs if you died. However, in addition to pure life insurance products such as the definition above, there are new variants of life insurance called credit life insurance. Credit Life Insurance is usually a product bundling with credit facilities granted by banks.
Later the bank customer who borrowed some money in the bank will automatically pay the premium credit life insurance. So if there is a risk of death on the customer, and there is potential default on installment credit, the insurance company will cover the remaining payments.
3. Car Insurance
Car insurance provides protection against the private car of the risk of natural disasters, fires, the damage, and accidents. If you have a car, it is important to insure because the risk is very high drive current. Choose a car insurance product with premiums that correspond to the value of your car and adjust the protective benefits that you want.
4. Insurance Education
Insurance functions like education savings kelangsungaan future to ensure the education of your children in the middle of the high cost of education from the primary level to higher education. Today, many banks are automatic savings products combined with insurance education. You can choose the scheme because basically we were saving to fund your children's education.
5. Property Insurance
Property insurance will protect homes and buildings belonging to you from the risk of damage and fire. This type of insurance there is the All Risk, means protecting all kinds of damage with certain exceptions. Property insurance does not only apply to buildings already finished and occupied. But also for the building which is still under construction. The insurance company will bear all costs incurred due to the risk of damage occurring.
Well, so an explanation of each insurance product is crucial that you need to buy. Obviously, the amount of the premium should be adjusted by the amount of your income each month. One thing that is important is that you understand the types of insurance products as well as the benefits provided and make sure you read the insurance policy carefully. Carefully select the insurance, benefits gained would be very much.
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